Contracted Work

I have had the joy of working with many clients in various industries, many of which are in the nonprofit and pro-life activism world. 


Alpha Family Center of Lowell

Pregnancy center serving the Lowell, Michigan area

Photographed 2015 Annual Friendship Banquet

Bangla Ministries Worldwide

Missions organization reaching people with the Gospel in Bangladesh

Photographed 20th Anniversary Banquet, 2016

Citizens for a Pro-Life Society

Pro-life activism organization founded by Dr. Monica Miller

Abortion Victim Photography 2021

Ellerslie Discipleship Training

College-level Christian discipleship school in Windsor, Colorado

Nature Photographer & Contributing Writer, 2017 Class Project - Great Is Thy Faithfulness Devotional Book

Grand Rapids Right to Life

Right to Life chapter serving the Grand Rapids area

Photographed 2017 Focus On Life Benefit Dinner, 2017 Grand Rapids Planned Parenthood Protest2021 Memorial Procession for the Unborn, 2021 Leadership for Life, 2022 Spring Into Life

His Little Feet 

Orphan advocacy organization caring for children around the world through traveling choir ministry

Photographed 2017 Annual Banquet

Non-Profit Pro-Life Student Organization

Michigan-based pro-life organization focused on training & equipping students to defend the preborn

Photographed 2020 March for Life Trip2020 Life Advocate Intensive2021 Lansing Memorial March (two photographers covered this event--not all images are mine)2021 Young Professionals for Life Mixer2021 Life Advocate Intensive2021 Pro-Life Activism Summit2022 Dinner to Protect Life2022 Dobbs Decision Day Rally at MI Hall of Justice2022 Young Professionals for Life MixerLife Advocate Intensive 20222023 National March for Life2023 Stop Abortion RX Rally2023 Dinner to Protect Life, 2023 Planned Parenthood Boat Protest2023 Roe v. Wade Memorial March2023 Summer Internship Photos2023 Young Professionals for Life Mixer2023 Life Advocate Intensive2023 Campus Activist Apprentice Portraits2024 Grand Rapids Dinner to Protect Life2024 East Lansing Dinner to Protect Life

The Overflow Blog

Millennial Christian women's blog focused on lifestyle application of biblical truth

Regular contributor of blog photography from 2015-2018, including Jalyn's Session

Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU)

Pro-life group uniting and mobilizing leftists in defense of the unborn

Photographed organization launch outside the Supreme Court, Dobbs v. Jackson Rally at SCOTUS, Red Rose Rescue at Washington, D.C. Planned Parenthood, March for Life 2022

Pro-Life San Francisco

Human rights organization monitoring and taking direct, non-violent action against fetal organ harvesters 

Photographed traffic blocking protest against Advanced Bioscience Resources [also featured on Live Action News]

Right to Life LIFESPAN

Nonprofit that educates about the value of human life from conception until natural death.

Photographed Be The Change 2024

Right to Life of Michigan

Organization dedicated to protecting the lives of the unborn; speaking up for life in the state of Michigan

Photographed many of the photos featured in RLM's Help in the D website, created to help women in crisis in the Detroit Metropolitan area

Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust 

California-based pro-life group courageously exposing the true nature of abortion to our society

Photographed Justice for the Five rally outside the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Washington, D.C.

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