Winter of 2019, I had my very first experience of attending the March for Life with Grand Rapids Right to Life. It was an amazing weekend of publicly speaking up for the unborn, hearing inspiring speakers, and meeting new friends. One thing that really struck me about the March for Life was the sense that I was so NOT ALONE in fighting for the unborn. When I sidewalk counsel, there are times we are met with loud and angry opposition from pro-choice activists. Their hate for us is certain. But when you attend the March, surrounded by thousands of others who agree that the preborn should be protected, you gain a sense that our movement is huge, that the war we're waging is making great strides, and that every hardship is worth enduring that those in the womb may be valued as the precious human beings they are.
I hope these photos are an encouraging reminder to you that we must always speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, no matter the cost. And that is something that will always be a part of Cassidy Elaine Photography.